Taking Stock I

Appreciating: all the love I've been receiving about the new site. Thank you to all of you that have taken the time to visit!
Listening: to this song on repeat. I didn't know French music was this good.
Watching  Watched: the Coke 'Taste the Feeling' ad about the brothers more times than I probably need to.
Realising: the need to loosen up on my planning a bit nowadays. Sometimes things that you don't plan for end up making you happier than things you do plan for.
Wishing: I could travel like tomorrow!
Noticing: just how much I use the exclamation mark. I've been trying to make a conscious effort to stop.
Trying: to finish Grey's Anatomy by the end of September. I'm still on season 9 though :/ I'm desperate to start new series but I don't want to cheat on Grey's. Anyone else have that feeling?
Feeling: like a cup of coffee right about now.
Drawing: inspiration about life, style, hair and much more from so many individuals I see on the road and on my Instagram timeline. 
Wondering: how summer's over already?
Engaging: in a lot more intellectual and beneficial conversations with other individuals. It's interesting how similarly yet differently we all think.
Learning: to carry a notebook around with me to avoid sudden memory loss pertaining to important things.

Have a  great week
Denise x

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